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1985.09-1989.07 重庆师范老员工物系 大学学习获学士学位

1989.07-1992.09 渠县琅琊中学,教师

1992.10-2002.08 攀钢(集团)公司教育处,教师

2002.09-2005.07 西南老员工命科学学院 硕士研究生学习,获硕士学位

2005.09-2008.06 雷竞技 博士研究生学习,获博士学位

200807-至今 雷竞技从事教学科研工作


进化生物学(Evolutionary Biology


动物生物学大实验(Zoology Experiment

保护生物学(Conservation Biology



















Shen HB, Li CW, He M, Huang Y, Wang J, Luo J, Wang ML, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2022. Whole blood transcriptome profiling identifies candidate genes associated with alopecia in male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). BMC Genomics, 23: 297.

Yuan Y, Yang XT, Zeng QL, Li HY, Fu RY, Du LM, Liu W, Zhang YM, Chu YW, Zhang XY*, Zhao KL*, 2022. Dimetridazole and Ribavirin to disarm Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence by targeting the quorum sensing system. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: 978502.

Yan L, Hou ZZ, Ma JN, Wang HM, Gao J, Zeng CJ, Chen Q, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2022. Complete mitochondrial genome of Episymploce splendens (Blattodea: Ectobiidae): A large intergenic spacer and lacking of two tRNA genes. PLOS ONE, 17(6): e0268064.

Luo J, Zhang L, Shen FJ, Luo L, Chen L, Fan ZX, Hou R, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2022. Blood transcriptome analysis revealing aging gene expression profiles in red Panda. PeerJ, 10: e13743.

Yang M, Huang Y, Wu HL, Li CW, Ling SS, Sun J, Shen HB, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2022. Blood transcriptome analysis revealed the immune changes and immunological adaptation of wildness training giant pandas. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 297(1): 227-239.

Jie XD, Wu HL, Yang M, He M, Zhao GQ, Ling SS, Huang Y, Yue BS, Yang N* and Zhang XY*, 2022. Whole genome bisulfite sequencing reveals DNA methylation roles in the adaptive response of wildness training giant pandas to wild environment. Frontiers in Genetics, 13: 995700.

Ma JN, Zhang L, Huang Y, Shen FJ, Wu HL, Yang ZY, Hou R, Song ZB, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2022. Epigenomic profiling indicates a role for DNA methylation in the postnatal liver and pancreas development of giant pandas. Genomics, 114: 110342.

Li L, Shen, FJ Jie XD, Zhang L, Yan GQ, Wu HL, Huang Y, Hou R, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2022. Comparative Transcriptomics and Methylomics Reveal Adaptive Responses of Digestive and Metabolic Genes to Dietary Shift in Giant and Red Pandas. Genes, 13: 1446.

Chen Q, Zhao K, Li HY, Liu KH, Li J, Chu YW, Prithiviraj B, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2022. Antibacterial and anti-virulence effects of furazolidone on Trueperella pyogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. BMC Veterinary Research, 18: 114.

Cheng ML, Xie DX, Price M, Zhou C, Zhang XY*, 2022. Comparative analysis of microsatellites in coding regions provides insights into the adaptability of the giant panda, polar bear and brown bear. Genetica, 150(6): 355-366.

Sun J, Shen FJ, Zhang L, Luo L, Fan ZX, Rong Hou, Yue BS, ZhangXY*, 2021. Changes in the micro-RNA profile of the giant panda after canine distemper vaccination and the integrated analysis of micro-RNA-Messenger RNA. DNA and Cell Biology, 40: 595-605.

Shen HB, Li CW, He M, Huang Y, Wang J, Wang ML, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2021.Immune profiles of male giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) during the breeding season. BMC Genomics, 22: 143.

Geng Y, Shen FJ, Wu W, Zhang L, Luo L, Fan ZX, Hou R, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2020. First demonstration of giant panda's immune response to canine distemper vaccine. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 102: 103489.

Wu W, Wu HL, He M, Zhang L, Huang Y, Geng Y, Liu JH, Wang Q, Fan ZX, Hou R, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2020. Transcriptome analyses provide insights into maternal immune changes at several critical phases of giant panda reproduction. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 110: 103699.

Zhao  KL, Li WJ, Li J, ..., Zhang  XY*, Zhou  XK*, 2019. TesG is a type I secretion effector of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that suppresses the host immune response during chronic infection. Nature Microbiology, 4: 459-469.

Jing J, Sun XH, Zhou C, Zhang YF, Shen YM, Zeng XM, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2019. Cloning, Expression and Effects of P. americana Thymosin on Wound Healing. International journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 4932.

Ma JN, Liu JH, Shen YM, Fan ZX, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2019. Population genetic structure and intraspecific genetic distance of Periplaneta americana (Blattodea: Blattidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Ecology and Evolution, 1-12.

Ren JY, Shen FJ, Zhang L, Sun J, Yang MY, Yang M, Hou R, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2019. Single-base-resolution methylome of giant panda’s brain, liver and pancreatic tissue. Peer J, 7: e7847.

Du LM, Liu Q, Shen FJ, Fan ZX, Hou R, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2019. Transcriptome analysisrevealsimmune‐related gene expression changes with age in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) blood. Aging-US, 11(1): 249-262.

Cheng ML, Ren JY, Shen FJ, Huang Y, Fan ZX, Price M, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2019. Genome-wide investigation of microsatellite polymorphism in coding region of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) genome: a resource for study of phenotype diversity and abnormal traits. Mammal Research, 64:353-363.

Ma JN, Du C, Zhou C, Sheng YM, Fan ZX, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2017. Complete mitochondrial genomes of two blattid cockroaches, Periplaneta australasiae and Neostylopyga rhombifolia, and phylogenetic relationships within the Blattaria. PLoS ONE, 12(5): e0177162.

Yan CC, Mou BQ, Meng Y, Tu FY, Zhenxin Fan ZX, Price M, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2017. A novel mitochondrial genome of Arborophila and new insight into Arborophila evolutionary history. PLoS ONE, 12(7): e01816493.

Zhao KL, Zhou XK, Li WJ, Zhang XY*, Yue BS*, 2016. Nutrient reduction induced stringent responses promote bacterial quorum-sensing divergence for population fitness. Scientific Reports, 6: 34925.

Song XH, Shen FJ, Huang J, Huang Y, Du LM, Wang CD, Fan ZX, Hou R, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2016. Transcriptome-derived tetranucleotide microsatellites and their associated genes from the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Journal of Heredity, 107(5): 423-30.

Du LM, Li WJ, Fan ZX, Shen FJ, Yang MY, Wang ZL, Jian ZY, Hou R, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2015. First insights into the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) blood transcriptome: a resource for novel gene loci and immunogenetics. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15: 1001-1013.

Huang J, Li YZ, Du LM, Yang B, Shen FJ, Zhang HM, Zhang ZH, Zhang XY*, Yue BS*, 2015. Genome-wide survey and analysis of microsatellites in giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), with a focus on the applications of a novel microsatellite marker system. BMC Genomics, 16: 61.

Yang MY, Du LM, Li WJ, Shen FJ, Fan ZX, Jian ZY, Hou R, Shen YM, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2015. Profile of microRNA in giant panda blood: a resource for immune-related and novel microRNAs. PLOS one, e0143242.

Yue H, Yan CC, Tu F, Yang CZ, Ma WQ, Fan ZX, Song ZB, Owens J, Liu SY*, Zhang XY*, 2015. Two novel mitogenomes of Dipodidae species and phylogeny of Rodentia inferred from the complete mitogenomes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 60: 123-130.

Tu FY, Liu SY, Liu Y, Sun ZY, Yin YH, Yan CC, Lu L, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2014. Complete mitogenome of Chinese shrew mole Uropsilus soricipes (Milne Edwards, 1871) (Mammalia: Talpidae) and genetic structure of the species in the Jiajin Mountains (China). Journal of Natural History, 48(23-24): 1467-1483.

Liu FW, Ma LL, Yng CZ, Tu FY, Xu Y, Ran JH, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2014. Taxonomic Status ofTetraophasis obscurusandTetraophasis szechenyii(Aves: Galliformes: Phasianidae) Based on the Complete Mitochondrial Genome. Zoological Science, 31(3): 160-167.

Huang T, Yan CC, Tan Z, Tu FY, Yue B, Zhang XY*, 2014.Complete mitochondrial genome sequence ofNectogale elegans. Mitochondrial DNA, 25(4): 253-254.

Zhao KL, Tian YQ,Yue BS, Wang HN, Zhang XY*, 2013. Virulence determinants and biofilm production among Trueperella pyogenes recovered from abscesses of captive forest musk deer. Arch Microbiol, 195: 203-209.

Yang CZ, Hao HB, Liu SY, Liu Y, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2012. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Chinese oriental vole Eothenomys chinensis (Rodentia: Arvicolinae). Mitochondrial DNA, 23(2):131-3.

Yue H, Fan ZX, Liu SY, Liu Y, Song ZB, Zhang XY*, 2012. A Mitogenome of the Chevrier’s Field Mouse (Apodemus Chevrieri ) and Genetic Variations Inferred from the Cytochrome b Gene. DNA and Cell Biology, 31(4): 460-9.

Jia XD, Yang B, Yue BS, Yin HL, Wang HX, Zhang XY*, 2011. Isolation and Characterization of Twenty_One Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci in the Tibetan Macaque (Macaca thibetana). Russian Journal of Genetics, 47(7): 884-887.

Chen WC, Liu SY, Liu Y, Hao HB, Zeng B, Chen SD, Peng HY, Yue BS, Zhang XY*, 2010. Phylogeography of the Large White-bellied Rat Niviventer excelsior Suggests the Influence of Pleistocene Glaciations in the Hengduan Mountains. Zoological science, 27: 487-493.

Zhang XY, Yue BS, Jiang WX, Song ZB, 2009. The complete mitochondrial genome of rock carp, Procypris rabaudi (Tchang), with the phylogenetic relationship in Cyprinidae. Molecular Biology Reports, 36: 981-991.

Zhang XY, He CL, Song ZB, 2009. Threatened fishes of the world: Zacco chengtui Kimura 1934 (Cyprinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 84: 27-28.

Yue H, Yuan H, Zhang XY*, 2009. Fifteen novel polymorphic microsatellites in rock carp, Procypris rabaudi (Tchang), an endemic fish species in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River drainage. Conservation Genetics, 10: 539-542.

Zhang XY, Yue BS, Song ZB, 2008. Isolation and characterization of nine polymorphic microsatellite loci in rock carp, Procypris rabaudi (Tchang). Molecular Ecology Resources, 8: 123-125.