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马 涛

发布时间 :2018年05月09日 浏览量 :35214

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邮箱:matao.yz [AT] gmail.com



· 2017年至今:雷竞技,教授

· 2014 -- 2016:雷竞技,副研究员

· 2009 -- 2014:兰州老员工命科学学院,博士学位

· 2005 -- 2009:兰州老员工命科学学院,学士学位



· 植物性别决定机制、演化历史及其性别二态性

· 关键性状(树木次生生长和抗逆)的分子调控及其动态变化

· 物种的起源和多样化过程

· 基因组重要功能元件(Accessible chromatin regionsGeneRepetitive elements)和表观修饰(3D organizationhistone modificationDNA methylation)在植物发育、抗逆、以及物种分化中的作用


· 国家自然科学基金-优秀青年科学基金项目31922061),林木进化基因组学,2020.01-2022.12,主持

· 国家自然科学基金-面上项目41871044,两个温带-热带分布杨属物种复合体的生物地理学研究,2019.01-2022.12,主持

· 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目31500502,胡杨耐盐的表观基因组学研究,2016.01-2018.12,主持

· 国家重点研发计划课题2016YFD0600101,林木次生生长的分子调控和环境胁迫机制(课题名称:树木次生生长的基因组学基础),2016.07-2020.12,课题骨干

· 国家自然科学基金委与美国国家科学基金会(NSFC-NSF)生物多样性合作研究项目31561123001Dimensions合作研究项目:植物性染色体和雌雄异株化多层次驱动生物多样性的整合研究,2016.01-2020.12,课题骨干


· 2019年度RAYBET·唐立新优秀学者奖

· 2019年RAYBET·优秀科技人才奖

· 2018年RAYBET·优秀科技人才奖

· 2018年RAYBET·学术新人奖


1. Zeyuan Chen#, Fandi Ai#, Junlin Zhang, Xinzhi Ma, Wenlu Yang, Weiwei Wang, Yutao Su, Mingcheng Wang, Yongzhi Yang, Kangshan Mao, …, Tao Ma*. Survival in the Tropics despite isolation, inbreeding and asexual reproduction: insights from the genome of the world’s southernmost poplar (Populus ilicifolia). The Plant Journal, 2020, in press.

2. Zhiyang Zhang#, Yang Chen#, Junlin Zhang, Xinzhi Ma, Yiling Li, Mengmeng Li, Deyan Wang, Minghui Kang, Haolin Wu, Yongzhi Yang, …, Tao Ma*. Improved genome assembly provides new insights into genome evolution in a desert poplar (Populus euphratica). Molecular Ecology Resources, 2020.

3. Mingcheng Wang#, Lei Zhang#, Zhiyang Zhang, Mengmeng Li, Deyan Wang, Xu Zhang, Zhenxiang Xi, Ken Keefover-Ring, Lawrence B Smart, Stephen P DiFazio, …, Tao Ma*. Phylogenomics of the genus Populus reveals extensive interspecific gene flow and balancing selection. New Phytologist, 2020, 225(3): 1370-1382.

4. Jianchao Ma#, Dongshi Wan#, Bingbing Duan, Xiaotao Bai, Qiuxian Bai, Ningning Chen, Tao Ma*. Genome sequence and genetic transformation of a widely distributed and cultivated poplar. Plant biotechnology journal, 2019, 17(2): 451-460.

5. Tao Ma#, Kun Wang#, Quanjun Hu#, Zhenxiang Xi#, Dongshi Wan, Qian Wang, Jianju Feng, Dechun Jiang, Hamid Ahani, Richard J Abbott, …, Jianquan Liu*. Ancient polymorphisms and divergence hitchhiking contribute to genomic islands of divergence within a poplar species complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115(2): E236-E243.

6. Yongzhi Yang#, Tao Ma#, Zefu Wang, Zhiqiang Lu, Ying Li, Chengxin Fu, Xiaoyong Chen, Mingshui Zhao, Matthew S Olson, Jianquan Liu*. Genomic effects of population collapse in a critically endangered ironwood tree Ostrya rehderiana. Nature Communications 2018, 9(1): 1-9.

7. Yutao Su#, Xiaotao Bai, Wenlu Yang, Weiwei Wang, Zeyuan Chen, Jianchao Ma, Tao Ma*. Single-base-resolution methylomes of Populus euphratica reveal the association between DNA methylation and salt stress. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2018, 14(6): 86.

8. Lei Zhang#, Zhenxiang Xi, Mingcheng Wang, Xinyi Guo, Tao Ma*. Plastome phylogeny and lineage diversification of Salicaceae with focus on poplars and willows. Ecology and evolution, 2018, 8(16): 7817-7823.

9. Wenlu Yang#, Kun Wang, Jian Zhang, Jianchao Ma, Jianquan Liu, Tao Ma*. The draft genome sequence of a desert tree Populus pruinosa. GigaScience, 2017, 6(9): gix075.

10. Tao Ma#, Junyi Wang#, Gongke Zhou#, Zhen Yue, Quanjun Hu, Yan Chen, Bingbing Liu, Qiang Qiu, Zhuo Wang, Jian Zhang, …, Jianquan Liu*. Genomic insights into salt adaptation in a desert poplar. Nature communications, 2013, 4(1): 1-9.