电话: 028-85415006 Email: zsd@scu.edu.sn
2007.07 - 至今 雷竞技副教授
2003.07 - 2007.06 雷竞技讲师
2004.09 - 2008.06 雷竞技植物学专业,获理学博士学位
1996.09 - 1999.07 雷竞技遗传学专业,获理学硕士学位
1992.09 - 1996.06 西华师范大学(原四川师范学院)生物系,获理学学士学位
• 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“广义前胡属及其近缘类群的的分类修订与分子系统发育研究”(32170209)
• 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“百合属及其近缘属的系统发育与分类学研究”(31570198)
• 主持国家自然科学基金项目(青年基金):“百合属的分子系统学研究”(31100161)
• 主持四川省新龙县第四次全国中药资源普查(2019PC002)
• 主持国家植物标本资源库专题“RAYBET标本馆的数字化与共享”(2020、2021年度)
• 主持科技部基础专项“教学标本标准化整理、整合及共享试点”(2005DKA21403)的子课题
• 主持成都市植物园(成都市园林科学研究所)木芙蓉组织培养及分子育种相关研究(18H0567)
• 主持RAYBET青年科学研究基金资助项目:“狭义百合科的细胞分类学研究” (校200560)
• 主研国家自然科学基金项目“中国柴胡属的系统学研究”(31070166)
• 主研国家自然科学基金项目“国产独活属的细胞地理学与分子进化研究”(30670146)
• 主研国家科技部“十一五”重大专项,国家科技基础条件平台建设项目:“教学标本标准化整理、整合及共享试点”(2005DKA21403)
• 主研科技部平台项目:“教学标本子平台运行服务”(2012-)
• 主研国家科技部基础性研究重点项目:“青藏高原特殊生境下野生植物种质资源的调查与保存”的子课题“滇西北和川西高原特殊生境植物种质调查”(2007FY110100)
主要代表论文如下(# 表示共同作者,* 表示通讯作者):
1. Juan Li, Jing Cai, Huan-Huan Qin, Megan Price, Zhen Zhang, Yan Yu, Deng-Feng Xie, Xing-Jin He*, Song-Dong Zhou* and Xin-Fen Gao,Phylogeny, Age, and Evolution of Tribe Lilieae (Liliaceae) Based on Whole Plastid Genomes, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022,12: 699226 (1-14).
2. Chang-Kun Liu, Jia-Qing Lei, Qiu-Ping Jiang, Song-Dong Zhou* and Xing-Jin He*, Plastomes The complete plastomes of seven Peucedanum plants: comparative and phtlogenetic analyses for the Peucedanum genus, BMC Plant Biology, 2022, (2022)22(101): 1-14.
3. Zi-Xuan Li, Xian-Lin Guo, Megan Price, Song-Dong Zhou* and Xing-Jin He*, Phylogenetic position of Ligusticopsis (Apiaceae, Apioideae): evifence from molecular data and carpological Characters, AoB Plants, 2022, 14:1-13.
4. Rui-Yu Cheng , Deng-Feng Xie , Xiang-Yi Zhang , Xiao Fu , Xing-Jin He , and Song-Dong Zhou*, Comparative Plastome Analysis of Three Amaryllidaceae Subfamilies: Insights into Variation of Genome Characteristics, Phylogeny, and Adaptive Evolution, BioMed Research International, 2022:3909596, 1-20.
5. Hong-Yi Zheng#, Xian-Lin Guo#, Megan Price, Xing-Jin He*and Song-Dong Zhou*, Effects of Mountain Uplift and Climatic Oscillations on Phylogeography and Species Divergence of Chamaesium (Apiaceae), Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021,12(673200):1-17.
6. DanmeiSu, FuminXie, HaiyingLiu, DengfengXie, JuanLi, XingjinHe, Xianlin Guo and Songdong Zhou*, Comparative analysis of complete plastid genomes from Lilium lankongense Franchet and its closely related species and screening of Lilium-specific primers, PeerJ, 2021, 10964: 1-26.
7. Xin-Rui Xu, Xian-Lin Guo, Megan Price, Xing-Jin He, Song-Dong Zhou*, New insights into the phylogeny and taxonomy of Chinese Physospermopsis (Apiaceae), PhytoKeys, 2021, 175: 67-88.
8. Juan Li, Megan Price, Dan-Mei Su, Zhen Zhang, Yan Yu, Deng-Feng Xie, Song-Dong Zhou*, Xing-Jin He*, and Xin-Fen Gao, Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis for the Plastid Genomes of Five Tulipa (Liliaceae), BioMed Research International, 2021, 6648429:1-10.
9. Jiao Huang, Yan Yu, Yan-Mei Liu, Deng-Feng Xie, Xing-Jin He* and Song-Dong Zhou*, Comparative Chloroplast Genomics of Fritillaria (Liliaceae), Inferences for Phylogenetic Relationships between Fritillaria and Lilium and Plastome Evolution, Plants, 2020, 9, 133: 1-15.
10. Jun Li, Deng-Feng Xie, Xian-Lin Guo, Zhen-Ying Zheng, Xing-Jin He*, Song-Dong Zhou*, Comparative Analysis of the Complete Plastid Genome of Five Bupleurum Species and New Insights into DNA Barcoding and Phylogenetic Relationship, Plants, 2020, 9, 543: 1-20.
11. Xian-Lin Guo#, Hong-Yi Zheng#, Megan Price, Song-Dong Zhou* & Xing-Jin He*, Phylogeny and Comparative Analysis of Chinese Chamaesium Species Revealed by the Complete Plastid Genome, Plants, 2020, 9, 965: 1-14.
12. Xin-Rui Xu, Song-Dong Zhou* and Xiao-Qing Shi, The complete chloroplast genome of Hibiscus Taiwanensis (Malvaceae), Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, 2019, 4(2):2532-2533.
13. Danmei Su, Juan Li, Lu Kang, Xingjin He, Yan Yu & Songdong Zhou*, The complete chloroplast genome of Lilium Lankongense Franchet (Liliaceae), 2019, 4(1): 1824-1825.
14. Hai-Ying Liu, Yan Yu, Yi-Qi Deng, Juan Li, Zi-Xuan Huang and Song-Dong Zhou*, The Chloroplast Genome of Lilium henrici: Genome Structure and Comparative Analysis, Molecules, 2018, 23: 1276:1-13.
15. Jiao Huang, Li-Qin Yang, Yan-Yu, Yan-Mei Liu, Deng-Feng Xie, Juan Li, Xing-Jin He*, Song-Dong Zhou*, Molecular phylogenetics and historical biogeography of the tribe Lilieae (Liliaceae): bi-directional dispersal between biodiversity hotspots in Eurasia, Annals of Botany, 2018,122: 1245-1262.
16. Li-Qin Yang, Hao-Yu Hu, Chuan Xie, Shan-Pan Lai, Mei Yang, Xing-Jin He*, Song-Dong Zhou* , Molecular phylogeny, biogeography and ecological niche modelling of Cardiocrinum (Liliaceae): insights into the evolutionary history of endemic genera distributed across the Sino-Japanese floristic region, Annals of Botany, 2017, 119:59-72.
17. Yun-Dong Gao, Song-Dong Zhou*, Xing-Jin He*, Juan Wan, Chromosome diversity and evolution in tribe Lilieae (Liliaceae) with emphasis on Chinese species, Journal Plant Research, 2012, 125: 55-69.
18. Yun-Dong Gao#, Song-Dong Zhou# and Xing-Jin He*, Karyotype studies in thirty-two species of Lilium (Liliaceae) from China, Nordic Journal of Botany, 2011, 29: 746-761.
19. Qiang Wang#, Song-Dong Zhou#, Xiao-Yan Deng, Qi Zheng, Xing-Jin He*, Comparative morphology of the leaf epidermis in Fritillaria (Liliaceae)from China, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160:93–109.
20. Qi-Zhi Wang#, Xing-Jin He*, Song-Dong Zhou#, Yun-Ke Wu, Yan Yu, Yun-Li Pang, Phylogenetic inference of the genus Bupleurum (Apiaceae) in Hengduan Mountains based on chromosome counts and nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences, Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2008,46(2): 142-154.
• 2021年“西南地区特色类群的生物多样性研究”获教育部自然科学二等奖(排名5)
• 2021年《植物生物学》获得四川省教育厅第二批省级一流本科课程认定(排名5)
• 2021年“以科研创新为导向的研究生实践教学体系建设与人才培养——以植物分类学为例”获得RAYBET教学成果奖二等奖(排名5)
• 2020年指导的毕业论文获RAYBET本科优秀毕业论文一等奖
• 2019、2018、2015年获RAYBET度本科教学“课堂教学质量优秀奖”
• 2019、2009年指导的毕业论文获RAYBET本科优秀毕业论文二等奖
• 2018年指导的本科生获第三届全国老员工生命科学创新创业大赛创新组二等奖
• 2011、2009年获RAYBET青年骨干教师称号
• 2019,2015年获雷竞技本科教学“十佳优秀教师”