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发布时间 :2023年06月06日 浏览量 :2082

徐晓婷 xiaotingxu at scu.edu.cn






生物多样性为核心,利用宏观生态学、生物地理学和生物信息学等多学科手段,较为系统地研究了被子植物多样性宏观进化过程、大尺度格局及形成机制,取得了包括以下3个方面的主要成果:(1)作为核心成员,构建全球被子物种分布数据库和植物属级系统发育树,开展了全球被子植物多样化时空格局的研究工作;(2)对不同生态系统的重要建群类群的物种多样性格局开展了研究,揭示了生物地理过程、地质历史、气候变化和现代环境因素在物种多样性格局形成中的相对作用;(3)生物多样性信息科学工具开发,包括植物分不记录的专门矢量地图制作,超级系统发育树构建流程软件的开发等。代表性研究成果发表在Nature CommunicationsGlobal Ecology and BiogeographyJournal of BiogeographyThe American NaturalistEcography、生物多样性等国内外专业学术期刊上。


2009/09–2013/7 北京大学城市与环境学院生态学系,自然地理学博士

2011/10–2012/12 哥本哈根大学宏观生态学研究中心(Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate)国家公派联合培养博士研究生

2005/09–2008/07 中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学研究中心,植物学硕士

2001/09–2005/07 雷竞技生态学专业,本科


2021/09 – 至今 RAYBET,雷竞技,副教授

2016/12 – 2021/09至今 RAYBET,雷竞技,特聘副研究员

2015/12 – 2016/11 中国中医科学院,中药资源中心,助理研究员

2013/08 – 2015/11 北京大学,城市与环境学院,博士后,合作导师:王志恒研究员

2008/07 – 2009/08 中国科学院植物研究所,文献与信息管理中心,研究助理


  1. 四川省自然科学基金青年项目(虎耳草目物种的性状演化模式和驱动力研究,项目编号:2023NSFSC12802022-2023),主持人

  2. 中国工程院“我国及一带一路沿线国家珍稀濒危药用资源保护和利用战略研究”咨询项目(一带一路沿线国家珍稀濒危药用植物多样性及其保护,2022-2023),主持人

  3. 中国中医科学院科技创新工程——中国受威胁药用植物生态脆弱性评估(高寒生态系统重要受威胁药用植物的进化独特性及其对气候变化的响应研究子任务负责人,2021-2024年),主持人

  4. 环保部重大生物保护工程专项——重点高等植物调查与保护成效评估(名称:海拔梯度的重点植物多样性分布格局,2019-2020),主持人)

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(名称:虎耳草属物种多样化的宏观进化格局研究,项目编号:317705662018-2021),主持人

  6. 国家重点研发计划(名称:西南高山峡谷地区生物多样性保护与恢复技术,项目编号:2017YFC0505200,子课题:植物多样性分布格局形成演变及维持机制,2017-2021),子课题参与单位负责人

发表文章 (#共同一作; *通讯作者)

  1. Huang L, Jin C, Pan Y, Zhou L, Hu S, Guo Y, Meng Y, Song K, Pang M, Li H, Lin D, Xu X, Minor J, Coggins C, Jim CY, Yan E, Yang Y, Tang Z, Lindenmayer DB. Human activities and species biological traits drive the long-term persistence of old trees in human-dominated landscapes. Nature Plants. 2023 May 11. doi: 10.1038/s41477-023-01412-1.

  2. Chen, C., Ruhfel, B.R., Li, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Mao, X., Wang, J., He, D., Luo, Y., Hu, Q., Duan, Y., Xu, X.*, Xi, Z*. & Liu, J*. Phylotranscriptomics of Swertiinae (Gentianaceae) reveals that key floral traits are not phylogenetically correlated. Journal of. Integrative Plant Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13464

  3. Luo, A., Xu, X., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Su, X., Li, Y., Lyu, T., Dimitrov, D., Larjavaara, M., Peng, S., Chen, Y., Wang, Q., Zimmermann, N.E., Pellissier, L., Schmid, B. & Wang, Z. (2023) Spatio-temporal patterns in the woodiness of flowering plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 384-396.

  4. Wang, D.#, Xu, X.#, Zhang, H., Xi, Z., Abbott, R. J., Fu, J., et al. Abiotic niche divergence of hybrid species from their progenitors, 200, 634-645.

  5. Sang, Y., Long, Z., Dan, X., Feng, J., Shi, T., Jia, C., Zhang, X., Lai, Q., Yang, G., Zhang, H., Xu, X., Liu, H., Jiang, Y., Ingvarsson, P.K., Liu, J., Mao, K. & Wang, J. (2022) Genomic insights into local adaptation and future climate-induced vulnerability of a keystone forest tree in East Asia. Nature Communications, 13, 6541.

  6. Li, L.,# Xu, X.#, Qian, H., Huang, X., Liu, P., Landis, J. B., Fu, Q., Sun, L., Wang, H., Sun, H., & Deng, T. (2022). Elevational patterns of phylogenetic structure of angiosperms in a biodiversity hotspot in eastern Himalaya. Diversity and Distributions, 28, 2534-2548.

  7. Xie, H., Tang, Y., Fu, J., Chi, X., Du, W., Dimitrov, D., Liu, J., Xi, Z., Wu, J. & Xu, X.* (2022) Diversity patterns and conservation gaps of Magnoliaceae species in China. Science of the Total Environment, 813, 152665.

  8. Wang, H.-F., Xu, X.#*, Cheng, X.-L., Liu, Y., Luo, A., Lyu, T., Wang, W.-L., Nizamani, M.M. & Wang, Z. (2022) Spatial patterns and determinants of Moraceae richness in China. Journal of Plant Ecology, In Press.

  9. Liu, L., Xu, X*., Zhang, L., Li, Y., Shrestha, N., Neves, D.M., Wang, Q., Chang, H., Su, X., Liu, Y., Wu, J., Dimitrov, D., Wang, Z. & Liu, J. (2021) Global patterns of species richness of the holarctic alpine herb Saxifraga: the role of temperature and habitat heterogeneity. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15, 237-252.

  10. Chang, H., Zhang, L., Xie, H., Liu, J., Xi, Z*. & Xu, X. *(2021) The Conservation of Chloroplast Genome Structure and Improved Resolution of Infrafamilial Relationships of Crassulaceae. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 1353.

  11. Shrestha, N., Xu, X., Meng, J., & Wang, Z. (2021). Vulnerabilities of protected lands in the face of climate and human footprint changes. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1632. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-21914-w

  12. Cai, H., Lyu, L., Shrestha, N., Tang, Z., Su, X., Xu, X., . . . Wang, Z. (2021). Geographical patterns in phylogenetic diversity of Chinese woody plants and its application for conservation planning. 27(1), 179-194. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.13180

  13. Lyu, L.-K., Wang, D.-L., Li, L., Zhu, Y.-Y., Jiang, D.-C., Liu, J.-Q., & Xu, X.-T.* (2020) Polyphyly and species delimitation of Picea brachytyla (Pinaceae) based on population genetic data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 59, 515-523.

  14. Liu, L., Xu, Y., Tang, Y., Du, W., Shao, C., Wu, J., . . . Xu, X.* (2020). The Importance of Including Soil Properties When Disentangling the Drivers of Species Richness: The Case of the Alpine Genus Saxifraga L. in China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8(244). doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.00244

  15. Su, X., Shrestha, N., Xu, X., Sandanov, D., Wang, Q., Wang, S., . . . Wang, Z. (2020). Phylogenetic conservatism and biogeographic affinity influence woody plant species richness–climate relationships in eastern Eurasia. Ecography, 43(7), 1027-1040. doi:10.1111/ecog.04839

  16. Li, Y., Zou, D., Shrestha, N., Xu, X., Wang, Q., Jia, W. & Wang, Z. (2019) Spatiotemporal variation in leaf size and shape in response to climate. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13, 87-96.

  17. Xu, X., Dimitrov, D., Shrestha, N., Rahbek, C., & Wang, Z. H. (2019). A consistent species richness-climate relationship for oaks across the Northern Hemisphere. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28(8), 1051-1066. doi:10.1111/geb.12913

  18. Wang, Z., Li, Y., Su, X., Tao, S., Feng, X., Wang, Q., Xu, X., Liu, Y., Michaletz, S.T., Shrestha, N., Larjavaara, M. & Enquist, B.J. (2019) Patterns and ecological determinants of woody plant height in eastern Eurasia and its relation to primary productivity. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12, 791-803.

  19. Liu, Y., Su, X., Shrestha, N., Xu, X., Wang, S., Li, Y., . . . Wang, Z. (2019). Effects of contemporary environment and Quaternary climate change on drylands plant diversity differ between growth forms. Ecography, 42(2), 334-345. doi:10.1111/ecog.03698

  20. Liang, Q.#, Xu, X.#, Mao, K.#, Wang, M., Wang, K., Xi, Z., & Liu, J. (2018). Shifts in plant distributions in response to climate warming in a biodiversity hotspot, the Hengduan Mountains. Journal of Biogeography, 45(6), 1334-1344. doi:doi:10.1111/jbi.13229

  21. Shrestha, N., Wang, Z., Su, X., Xu, X., Lyu, L., Liu, Y., . . . Feng, X. (2018). Global patterns of Rhododendron diversity: The role of evolutionary time and diversification rates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(8), 913-924. doi:doi:10.1111/geb.12750

  22. Wang, S., Xu, X., Shrestha, N., Zimmermann, N. E., Tang, Z., & Wang, Z. (2017). Response of spatial vegetation distribution in China to climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Plos One, 12(4), e0175742. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175742

  23. Chi, X., Zhang, Z., Xu, X., Zhang, X. B., Zhao, Z. P., Liu, Y. M., . . . Huang, L. Q. (2017). Threatened medicinal plants in China: Distributions and conservation priorities. Biological Conservation, 210, 89-95. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2017.04.015

  24. Li Y., Wang, Z., Xu, X., Han, W., Wang, Q. (2016) Leaf margin analysis of Chinese woody plants and the constraints on its application for paleoclimatic reconstruction. Global Ecology and Biogeography. doi:10.1111/geb.12498(IF: 5.8, 5-Year IF: 7.6)

  25. Xu, X., Wang, Z., Rahbek, C., Sanders, N. J. and Fang, J. (2016) Geographical variation in the importance of water and energy for oak diversity. Journal of Biogeography, 43: 279–288. doi:10.1111/jbi.12620 (IF: 4.0, 5-Year IF: 4.7)

  26. Xu, X., Dimitrov, D., Rahbek, C., Wang, Z. (2015). NCBIminer: Sequences harvest from Genbank. Ecography. doi: 10.1111/ecog.01055 (IF: 5.4, 5-Year IF: 5.4)

  27. Xu, X., Wang, Z., Rahbek, C., Lessard, J.-P., Fang, J. (2013) Evolutionary history influences the effects of water–energy dynamics on oak diversity in Asia. Journal of Biogeography, 40: 2146–2155. doi: 10.1111/jbi.12149 (IF: 4.0, 5-Year IF:4.7)

  28. Xu, X., Wang, Z., Dimitrov D., Rahbek C. (2015) Using NCBIminer to search and download nucleotide sequences from GenBank. Biodiversity Science, 4: 550-555. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  29. Xu X., Yang Y, Wang L. 2008. Geographic distribution and potential distribution estimation of Pseudotaxus chienii. Journal of Plant Ecology (Chinese version), 32(5): 1134-1145. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  30. 邵晨, 李耀琪, 罗奥, 王志恒, 席祯翔, 刘建全, 徐晓婷 (2021) 不同生活型被子植物功能性状与基因组大小的关系. 生物多样性, 29, 575-585.

  31. 朱莹莹,徐晓婷. 气候变化对我国特有濒危物种水杉野生种群分布的影响. 生态学杂志, 2019, 38, 1629-1636.

  32. 徐晓婷, ., DimitarDimitrov (2015) 批量下载GenBank基因序列数据的新工具——NCBIminer. 生物多样性, 23, 550-555.

  33. 徐晓婷, 杨永, 王利松. 白豆杉的地理分布及潜在分布区估计. 植物生态学报, 2008, 32(5): 1134-1145.