Virginia Tech美国弗吉尼亚理工大学
题目:Terpenoid biosynthesis in plants
1996-2000 雷竞技 生物学 学士
2000-2003雷竞技 植物学 硕士
2006-2010 Iowa State University (美国爱荷华州立大学) 博士
2011-至今Virginia Tech (美国弗吉尼亚理工大学) 博士后
Wang, Q., Hillwig, M.L., Wu, Y., Peters, R.J. 2012. CYP701A8: A riceent-kaurene oxidase paralog diverted to more specialized diterpenoid metabolism.Plant Physiology, 158(3):1418-25.
Wang, Q., Hillwig, M.L., Okada, K., Yamazaki, K., Wu, Y., Swaminathan, S., Yamane, H., Peters, R.J. 2012.Characterization of CYP76M5-8 indicates metabolic plasticity within a plant biosynthetic gene cluster.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(9):6159-68.
Wu, Y., Hillwig, M.L.,Wang, Q., Peters, R.J. 2011. Parsing a multifunctional biosynthetic gene cluster from rice: Biochemical characterization of CYP71Z6 & 7.FEBS Letters, 585(21):3446-51.
Wang, Q., Hillwig, M.L., Peters, R.J. 2011. CYP99A3: Functional identification of a diterpene oxidase from the momilactone biosynthetic gene cluster in rice.Plant Journal, 65(1):87-95.
Swaminathan, S.*, Morrone, D.*,Wang, Q.*, Fulton, D. B. and Peters R. J. 2009. CYP76M7 is an ent-cassadiene C11 alpha- hydroxylase defining a second, independently assembled diterpenoid biosynthetic gene cluster in rice.Plant cell,21(10): 3315-3325. (*co-first author)