1. 干细胞分化调控、干细胞组织工程与再生医学:重点研究胚胎和成体干细胞体外定向分化调控技术,
2. 细胞与分子免疫学、比较与发育免疫学:重点以斑马鱼等模式动物为代表,研究天然和适应性免疫
1、Pan RL, Wang P, Xiang LX, Shao JZ. Delta-like 1 serves as a new target and contributor to
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2、Hu YL, Pan XM, Xiang LX, Shao JZ. Characterization of C1Q in teleosts: insight into the
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3、Wen Y, Fang W, Xiang LX, Pan RL, Shao JZ. Identification of Treg-like cells in Tetraodon: insight into the origin of regulatory T subsets during early vertebrate evolution. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010, doi10.1007/s00018-010-0574-5
4、Chen Y, Xiang LX, Shao JZ, Pan RL, Wang YX, Dong XJ, Zhang GR. Recruitment of endogenous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells towards injured liver. J Cell Mol Med. 2010, 14(6B):1494-508
5、Gong YF, Xiang LX, Shao JZ. CD154-CD40 Interactions are essential for thymus-dependent antibody production in zebrafish: insights into the origin of costimulatory pathway in helper T cell-regulated adaptive immunity in early vertebrates. J Immunol. 2009, 182 (12):7749-62
6、Lin AF, Xiang LX, Wang QL, Dong WR, Gong YF, Shao JZ. The DC-SIGN of zebrafish: insights into the existence of a CD209 homolog in a lower vertebrate and its involvement in adaptive immunity. J Immunol. 2009, 183 (11):7398-410
7、Chen Y, Pan RL, Zhang XL, Shao JZ, Xiang LX, Dong XJ, Zhang GR. Induction of hepatic differentiation of mouse bone marrow stromal stem cells by the histone deacetylase inhibitor VPA. J Cell Mol Med. 2009, 13(8B):2582-92
8、Feng SM, Deng LF, Cheng W, Shao JZ, Xu GL, Li YP. Atp6v1c1 is an essential component of the osteoclast proton pump and in F-actin ring formation in osteoclasts. Biochemical J. 2009, 417:195-203
9、Chen W, Yang SY, Abe Y, Li M, Wang YC, Shao JZ, Li YP. Novel pycnodysostosis mouse model uncovers cathepsin K function as a potential regulator of osteoclast apoptosis and senescence. Hum Mol Genet. 2007, 16(4): 410-23
10、Li YP, Abe Y, Isoda R, Moroi R, Yang S, Shao JZ, Li E, Chen W. Cathepsin K-deficient mice exhibit pycnodysostosis geatures due to loss of cathepsin K-mediated osteoclast senescence for bone homeostasis. J Bone Miner Res. 2005, 20(9):253