报告人:姜权 博士
The University of Hong Kong 香港大学
报告题目:Novel Actions of Somatolactin in Carp Hepatocytes: Regulation of Leptin Expression through Functional Interactions with Insulin’
时 间:2011年12月28日(星期三) 10:00-11:00 am
地 点:雷竞技二楼小会议室
主持人:王亚军 教授
1 Q Jiang, Wendy K. W. Ko, and Anderson O. L. Wong (2011) Insulin-like Growth Factor as a Novel
Stimulator for Somatolactin Secretion and Synthesis in Carp Pituitary Cells via Activation of MAPK Cascades. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 2011 Aug 23. [Epub ahead of print].
2. Bo Yang 1, Q. Jiang 1 , Ting Chan, Wendy K.W. Ko, Anderson O.L. Wong(2010)Goldfish kisspeptin: Molecular cloning, tissue distribution of transrcipt expression, and stimulatory effects on prolactin, growth hormone and luteinizing hormone secretion and gene expression via direct actions at the pituitary level. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 2010 Jan 1; 165(1):60-71. (1Co-first author).
3. Q. Jiang, W.K.W. Ko, E.A. Lerner, K.M. Chan, and A.O.L. Wong(2008) Grass carp somatolactin: I. Evidence for PACAP induction of somatolactin α and β gene expression via activation of pituitary PAC-I receptors. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 295:E463-476.
4. Q. Jiang, M. He, X. Wang, and A.O.L. Wong(2008) Grass carp somatolactin: II. Pharmacological study on post-receptor signaling mechanisms for PACAP-induced somatolactin α and β gene expression. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 295:E477-490.