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发布时间 :2019年08月02日 浏览量 :51079


联系方式:Email: mcliu@scu.edu.cn Tel: 023-85400432


刘明春,教授,博士生导师,四川省学术和技术带头人。以番茄/猕猴桃等果蔬为研究材料,主要从事植物激素信号转导、果实品质形成及维持的分子机制等基础理论研究,同时致力于绿色贮运保鲜技术的研发。研究成果以通讯联系人在Developmental CellPlant CellNature CommunicationsMolecular Plant New PhytologistJournal of Integrative Plant BiologyPlant PhysiologyPlant Journal等重要学术期刊发表。主持国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、四川省杰出青年科技人才等项目,荣获重庆市自然科学一等奖。


  1. Yangang Pei, Qihan Xue, Peng Shu, Weijie Xu, Xiaofei Du, Mengbo Wu, Kaidong Liu, Julien Pirrello, Mondher Bouzayen, Yiguo Hong, Mingchun Liu*. Bi-functional transcription factors SlERF.H5 and H7 activate cell wall and repress. Developmental Cell, 2024, 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.03.006.

  2. Deng Heng#, Chen Yao#, Liu Ziyu, Liu Zhaoqiao, Shu Peng, Wang Ruochen, Hao Yanwei, Su Dan, Pirrello Julien, Liu Yongsheng, Li Zhengguo, Grierson Don, Giovannoni James J, Bouzayen Mondher, Liu Mingchun*. SlERF.F12 modulates the transition to ripening in tomato fruit by recruiting the co-repressor Topless and histone deacetylases to repress key ripening genes, The Plant Cell, 2022, 34(4): 1250–1272.

  3. Feng Bai, Peng Shu, Heng Deng, Yi Wu, Yao Chen, Mengbo Wu, Tao Ma, Yang Zhang, Julien Pirrello, Zhengguo Li, Yiguo Hong, Mondher Bouzayen*, Mingchun Liu*. A distal enhancer guides the negative selection of toxic glycoalkaloids during tomato domestication. Nature Communications, 2024, (Accepted).

  4. Heng Deng#, Yangang Pei#, Xin Xu#, Xiaofei Du#, Qihan Xue#, Zhuo Gao, Peng Shu, Yi Wu, Zhaoqiao Liu, Yongfei Jian, Mengbo Wu, Yikui Wang, Zhengguo Li, Julien Pirrello, Mondher Bouzayen, Wei Deng, Yiguo Hong, Mingchun Liu*. Ethylene-MPK8-ERF.C1-PR module confers resistance against Botrytis cinerea in tomato fruit without compromising ripening. New Phytologist, 2024, 242 (2): 592-609.

  5. Xiaoqing He#, Kaidong Liu#, Yi Wu, Weijie Xu, Ruochen Wang, Julien Pirrello, Mondher Bouzayen, Mengbo Wu, Mingchun Liu*. A transcriptional cascade mediated by two APETALA2 family members orchestrates carotenoid biosynthesis in tomato. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13650.

  6. Mengbo Wu, Kaidong Liu, Honghai Li, Ying Li, Yunqi Zhu, Dan Su, Yaoxin Zhang, Heng Deng, Yikui Wang, Mingchun Liu*. Gibberellins involved in fruit ripening and softening by mediating multiple hormonal signals in tomato. Horticulture Research, 2024, 11(2), uhad275.

  7. Peng Shu#, Zixin Zhang#, Yi Wu, Yuan Chen, Kunyan Li, Heng Deng, Jing Zhang, Xin Zhang, Jiayu Wang, Zhibin Liu, Yue Xie, Kui Du, Mingzhang Li, Mondher Bouzayen, Yiguo Hong, Yang Zhang*, Mingchun Liu*. A comprehensive metabolic map reveals major quality regulations in red-flesh kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis). New Phytologist, 2023, 238(5): 2064-2079.

  8. Ruochen Wang, Kaidong Liu, Bei Tang, Dan Su, Xiaoqing He, Heng Deng, Mengbo Wu, Mondher Bouzayen, Don Grierson, Mingchun Liu*. The MADS-box protein SlTAGL1 regulates a ripening-associated SlDQD/SDH2 involved in flavonoid biosynthesis and resistance against Botrytis cinerea in post-harvest tomato fruit. Plant Journal, 2023, 115(6): 1746-1757.

  9. Yangang Pei#, Qihan Xue#, Zehong Zhang, Peng Shu, Heng Deng, Mondher Bouzayen, Yiguo Hong, Mingchun Liu*, β-1,3-GLUCANASE10 regulates tomato development and disease resistance by modulating callose deposition, Plant Physiology, 2023,192(4): 2785-2803.

  10. Dan Su#, Kaidong Liu#, Zhuoshu Yu, Ying Li, Yaoxin Zhang, Yunqi Zhu, Yi Wu, Hongyu He, Xiaodan Zeng, Honglin Chen, Don Grierson, Heng Deng*, Mingchun Liu*, Genome-wide characterization of the tomato GASA family identifies SlGASA1 as a repressor of fruit ripening, Horticulture Research, 2023, 10(1), uhac222.

  11. Wang Ruochen#, Shu Peng#, Zhang Chi#, Zhang Junlin, Chen Ya, Zhang Yaoxin, Du Kui, Xie Yue, Li MingZhang, Ma Tao, Zhang Yang, Li Zhengguo, Grierson Donald, Pirrello Julien, Chen Kunsong, Bouzayen Mondher, Zhang Bo*, Liu Mingchun*. Integrative analyses of metabolome and genome-wide transcriptome reveal the regulatory network governing flavor formation in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis). New Phytologist, 2022, 233: 373–389.

  12. Yan Li#, Yang Chen#, Lu Zhou#, Shengjie You#, Heng Deng, Ya Chen, Saleh Alseekh, Yong Yuan, Rao Fu, Zixin Zhang, Dan Su, Alisdair R. Fernie, Mondher Bouzayen, Tao Ma, Mingchun Liu* & Yang Zhang*. MicroTom Metabolic Network: Rewiring Tomato Metabolic Regulatory Network throughout the Growth Cycle, Molecular Plant, 2020, 1203-1218.

  13. Liang Qi#, Deng Heng#, Li Yuxiang, Liu Ziyu, Shu Peng, Fu Rao, Zhang Yaoxin, Pirrello Julien, Zhang Yang, Grierson Don, Bouzayen Mondher, Liu Yongsheng*, Liu Mingchun*. Like Heterochromatin Protein 1b represses fruit ripening via regulating the H3K27me3 levels in ripening-related genes in tomato, New Phytologist, 2020, 227(2): 485-497

  14. Heng Deng, Julien Pirrello, Yao Chen, Nan Li, Sihua Zhu, Ximena Chirinos, Mondher Bouzayen, Yongsheng Liu, Liu Mingchun*. A novel tomato F-box protein, SlEBF3, is involved in tuning ethylene signaling during plant development and climacteric fruit ripening. Plant Journal. 2018, 95(4): 648-658.

  15. Liu Mingchun*, Chen Yao, Chen Ya, Shin Jun-Hye, Mila Isabelle, Corinne Audran, Zouine Mohamed, Pirrello Julien, Bouzayen Mondher, The tomato Ethylene Response Factor Sl-ERF.B3 integrates ethylene and auxin signaling via direct regulation of Sl-IAA27. New Phytologist, 2018, 9(2): 631~640.

  16. Liu Mingchun#*Lima Gomes Bruna#Mila IsabellePurgatto EduardoPeres Lazaro Eustaquio PereiraFrasse PierreMaza ElieZouine MohamedRoustan Jean-Paul, Bouzayen MondherPirrello Julien*Comprehensive profiling of Ethylene Response Factors expression identifies ripening-associated ERF genes and their link to key regulators of fruit ripening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Plant Physiology20161703):1732-1744.

  17. Liu MingchunPirrello JulienChervin ChristianRoustan Jean-PaulBouzayen MondherEthylene Control of Fruit Ripening: Revisiting the Complex Network of Transcriptional Regulation. Plant Physiology20151694):2380-2390.

  18. Liu MingchunDiretto GianfrancoPirrello JulienRoustan Jean-PaulLi ZhengguoGiuliano GiovanniRegad FaridBouzayen MondherThe chimeric repressor version of an Ethylene Response Factor (ERF) family member, Sl-ERF.B3, shows contrasting effects on tomato fruit ripening. New Phytologist20142031):206-218.

  19. Liu Mingchun#Pirrello Julien#Kesari RaviMila IsabelleRoustan Jean-PaulLi ZhengguoLatche AlainPech Jean-ClaudeBouzayen MondherRegad FaridA dominant repressor version of the tomato Sl-ERF.B3 gene confers ethylene hypersensitivity via feedback regulation of ethylene signaling and response components. Plant Journal2013763):406-419.