e-mail: yang.zhang@scu.edu.cn
生物资源与生态环境教育部重点实验室(RAYBET) 主任
中国植物学会植物整合组学专业委员会 副主任
四川省细胞生物学会植物学专委会 主任
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 编委
Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology编委
Science China Life Sciences 青年编委
2005.09-2009.06 RAYBET,生物技术,学士
2009.10-2014.07 英国约翰英纳斯中心/东安格利亚大学,生物学,博士
2014.08-2015.12 英国约翰英纳斯中心,博士后
2016.03-2018.08 雷竞技,特聘研究员,博导
2018.09-2023.08 雷竞技,研究员,博导
2023.09-至今 雷竞技,教授,博导

1.张阳;魏硕;付饶;多酚氧化酶的应用及合成黄酮的方法,2023-6-16,中国发明专利,ZL 2021 1 0448995.8
2.张阳;袁勇;吴钰;任思彦;番茄SlWRKY35基因在提高番茄类胡萝卜素类化合物或/和叶绿素含量中的应用,2023-4-28,中国发明专利,ZL 2021 1 0342002.9
3. 张阳;李彦;周璐;付饶;参与调控番茄甾体生物碱合成转录因子的应用,2021-2-19,中国发明专利,ZL 2019 1 0847193.7
1.You, S., Wu, Y., Li, W., Liu, X., Tang, Q., Huang, F., Li, Y., Wang, H., Liu, M., Zhang, Y.# (2024) SlERF.G3-Like mediates a hierarchical transcriptional cascade to regulate ripening and metabolic changes in tomato fruit. Plant Biotechnology Journal 22(1):165-180
2.Zhang, Z., Zhang, X., Chen, Y., Jiang, W., Zhang, J., Wang, J., Wu, Y., Wang, S., Yang, X., Liu, M., Zhang, Y.# (2023) Understanding the mechanism of red light induced melatonin biosynthesis facilitates the engineering of melatonin-enriched tomatoes. Nature Communications 14:5525
3.Shu, P.*, Zhang, Z.*, Wu, Y., Chen, Y., Li, K., Deng, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, X., Wang, J., Liu. Z., Xie, Y., Du, K., Li, M., Bouzayen, M., Hong, Y., Zhang, Y.#, Liu, M. # (2023) A comprehensive metabolic map reveals major quality regulations in red-flesh kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis). New Phytologist 238(5):2064-2079
4.Yuan, Y., Ren, R., Liu, X., Su, L., Wu, Y., Zhang, W., Li, Y., Jiang, Y., Wang, H., Fu R., Bouzayen, M., Liu, M., Zhang, Y.# (2022) SlWRKY35 positively regulates carotenoid biosynthesis by activating the MEP pathway in tomato fruit. New Phytologist 234(1):164-178
5.Fu, R.#*, Zhang, P.*, Jin, G., Wei, S., Chen, J., Pei, J., Zhang, Y.# (2022) Substrate promiscuity of acyltransferases contributes to the diversity of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in purple coneflower. The Plant Journal 110: 802–813
6.Fu, R.*, Zhang, P.*, Jin, G., Wang, L., Qi, S., Cao, Y., Martin, C. and Zhang, Y.# (2021) Versatility in acyltransferase activity completes chicoric acid biosynthesis in purple coneflower. Nature Communications 12: 1563
7.Li, Y.*, Chen, Y.*, You, S.*, Zhou, L.*, Deng, H., Chen, Y., Alseekh, S., Yuan, Y., Fu, R., Zhang, Z., Su, D., Fernie, A., Bouzayen, M., Ma, T., Liu, M. #, Zhang, Y.# (2020) MicroTom Metabolic Network: Rewiring Tomato Metabolic Regulatory Network throughout the Growth Cycle. Molecular Plant 13:1203-1218
8.Ying, S*., Su, M*., Wu, Y., Zhou, L., Fu, R., Li, Y., Guo, H., Luo, J., Wang, S.# and Zhang, Y.# (2020) Trichome regulator SlMIXTA‐like directly manipulates primary metabolism in tomato fruit. Plant Biotechnology Journal 18:354-363