陈磊,教授, 博导
联系方式: chen_lei1029@163.com
2008-2012 四川农业大学,林学,本科
2013 -2015 日本北海道大学,硕士
2015 -2018 日本北海道大学,博士
2018-2019 美国德州理工大学,博士后
2019-2020 雷竞技,特聘研究员
2021-至今 雷竞技,教授
课题组主要是结合数学统计模型和控制实验在不同时空尺度探究全球气候变化对植物生长及陆地生态系统的影响,常用的知识和技术手段主要包括:生物统计学、机器学习、植物分类学、R语言、Google Earth Engine、遥感数据分析及处理、数学建模等。我们课题组科研氛围浓厚,长期招聘研究生和博士后,欢迎有相关研究背景,对科研感兴趣的小伙伴们加入!我们也欢迎本科生来课题组体验科研乐趣,完成毕业论文!
主要学术论文 (#第一作者,*通讯作者):
1) Wenjing Tao, Kangshan Mao, Jiang He, Nicholas G. Smith, Yuxin Qiao, Jing Guo, Hongjun Yang, Wenzhi Wang, Jianquan Liu, Lei Chen* (2022) Daytime warming triggers tree growth decline in the Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16238.
2) Hongshuang Gu, Yuxin Qiao, Zhenxiang Xi, Sergio Rossi, Nicholas G. Smith, Jianquan Liu, Lei Chen* (2022) Warming-induced increase in carbon uptake is linked to earlier spring phenology in temperate and boreal forests. Nature Communications, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31496-w.
3) Wang, J., Z. Xi, X. He, S. Chen, S. Rossi, N. G. Smith, J. Liu & L. Chen* (2021) Contrasting temporal variations in responses of leaf unfolding to daytime and nighttime warming. Global Change Biology, 27(20), 5081-5093.
4) He X., Chen S., Wang J., Smith N.G., Rossi S., Yang H., Liu J., and Chen L.* (2021). Delaying effect of humidity on leaf unfolding in Europe. Science of The Total Environment, 800, 149563.
5) Eyring V, Mishra V, Griffith G P, Lei Chen*, Trevor Keenan, Merritt R. Turetsky, Sally Brown, Frank Jotzo, Frances C. Moore & Sander van der Linden (2021) Reflections and projections on a decade of climate science. Nature Climate Change, 11(4): 279-285. (特邀评述)
6) Chen, L.#*, H. Hänninen, S. Rossi, N. G. Smith, S. Pau, Z. Liu*, G. Feng, J. Gao & J. Liu* (2020) Leaf senescence exhibits stronger climatic responses during warm than during cold autumns. Nature Climate Change, 10, 777-780.
7) Chen, L#., J. G. Huang#*, Q. Ma#, H. Hänninen#, F. Tremblay & Y. Bergeron (2019) Long‐term changes in the impacts of global warming on leaf phenology of four temperate tree species. Global Change Biology, 25, 997-1004.
8) Liu, Z#., Chen, L*., Smith, N. G., Yuan, W., Chen, X., Zhou, G. et al. (2019). Global divergent responses of primary productivity to water, energy, and CO2. Environmental Research Letters, 14(12), 124044.
9) Chen L#*, Rossi S, Deslauriers A, Liu J. 2019. Contrasting strategies of xylem formation between black spruce and balsam fir in Quebec, Canada. Tree Physiology 39(5): 747-754.
10) Chen, L#., J. G. Huang, Q#*. Ma, H. Hänninen, S. Rossi, S. Piao & Y. Bergeron (2018) Spring phenology at different altitudes is becoming more uniform under global warming in Europe. Global Change Biology, 24, 3969-3975.
11) Chen L#, Huang JG*, Dawson A, Zhai L, Stadt KJ, Comeau PG, Whitehouse C (2018). Contributions of insects and droughts to growth decline of trembling aspen mixed boreal forest of western Canada. Global Change Biology 24(2): 655-667.
12) Chen L#*, Sumida A. 2018. Effects of light on branch growth and death vary at different organization levels of branching units in Sakhalin Spruce, Trees 32(4): 1123-1134.
13) Chen, L#., J. G. Huang*, S. A. Alam, L. Zhai, A. Dawson, K. J. Stadt & P. G. Comeau (2017) Drought causes reduced growth of trembling aspen in western Canada. Global Change Biology, 23, 2887-2902.
14) Chen L#, Huang JG*, Stadt KJ, Comeau PG, Zhai L, Dawson A, Alam SA. 2017. Drought explains variation in the radial growth of white spruce in western Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 233: 133-142.
15) Chen L#*, Sumida A. 2017. Patterns of branch growth and death in crowns of Sakhalin spruce, Picea glehnii (F. Schmidt) Mast. Forests 8(1): 26.