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宋 旭

发布时间 :2020年05月14日 浏览量 :32988

宋旭 教授 博导




2019年在Cell Research发表论文报道了凝血因子VIIIXX是人体内天然的抗超级细菌蛋白。发现凝血因子具有凝血和抗菌双重功能,更新了人们对凝血因子的传统认知,使其研究进入了新阶段。有望改变对脓毒症、脑中风等多种血栓相关疾病病因的认识,为研制抗超级细菌药物提供了新方案。



028-85410032, xusong@scu.edu.cn


年起任美国耶鲁大学分子生物物理与生物化学系Associate Research ScientistResearch Assistant Professor






  1. Yang G, Zhang S, Wang Y, Li L, Li Y, Yuan D, Luo F, Zhao J, Song X*, Zhao Y. Aptamer blocking S-TLR4 interaction selectively inhibits SARS-CoV-2 induced inflammation. Signal Transduct Target Ther, 7(1):120. 2022. IF: 38.104

  2. Zheng G, Zhao L, Yuan D, Li J, Yang G, Song D, Miao H, Shu L, Mo X, Xu X, Li L, Song X*, Zhao Y. A genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor for monitoring ATP in living cells with heterobifunctional aptamers. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 198:113827. 2022. IF: 12.545

  3. Li L, Miao H, Chang Y, Yao H, Zhao Y, Wu F, Song X*. Multidimensional crosstalk between RNA-binding proteins and noncoding RNAs in cancer Biology. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 75:84-96. 2021. IF: 17.012

  4. Zheng G, Dai J, Wang H, Li L, Yuan D, Bai S, Song X*, Zhao Y. A hairpin-mediated nicking enzymatic signal amplification for nucleic acids detection. Talanta, 251. 2021. IF: 6.556

  5. Chen J, Li X, Li L, Zhang T, Zhang Q, Wu F, Wang D, Hu H, Tian C, Liao D, Zhao L, Song D, Zhao Y, Wu C, Song X*. Coagulation factors VII, IX and X are antibacterial proteins against drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Cell Research, 29: 711-724, 2019. IF: 46.297

  6. Miao H, Wang L, Zhan H, Dai J, Chang Y, Wu F, Liu T, Liu Z, Gao C, Li L, Song X*. A long noncoding RNA distributed in both nucleus and cytoplasm operates in the PYCARD-regulated apoptosis by coordinating the epigenetic and translational regulation. PLoS Genet, 15(5): e1008144, 2019. IF: 6.020

  7. Lan Y, Xiao X, He Z, Luo Y, Wu C, Li L, Song X*. Long noncoding RNA OCC-1 suppresses cell growth through destabilizing HuR protein in colorectal cancer. Nucleic Acids Research, 46(11): 5809–21, 2018. IF: 19.16

  8. Chen H, Du G, Song X*, Li L. Non-coding transcripts from enhancers: new insights into enhancer activity and gene expression regulation. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 15: 201-207, 2017. IF: 6.409

  9. Qi W, Song X*, Li L. Long non-coding RNA-guided regulation in organisms. Science China Life Sciences, 56:891–896, 2013. IF: 10.372

  10. Li L, Feng T, Lian Y, Zhang G, Garen A, Song X*. Role of human noncoding RNAs in the control of tumorigenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A.,106 (31): 12956-61, 2009. IF: 12.779

  11. Wang G, Cui Y, Zhang G, Garen A, Song X*. Regulation of proto-oncogene transcription, cell proliferation, and tumorigenesis in mice by PSF protein and a VL30 noncoding RNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A., 106 (39): 16794-98, 2009. IF: 12.779

  12. Garen A, Song X. Regulatory roles of tumor-suppressor proteins and noncoding RNA in cancer and normal cell functions. Int J Cancer. 122(8):1687-9, 2008. IF: 7.316

  13. Song X, Sun Y, Garen A. From the cover: Roles of PSF protein and VL30 RNA in reversible gene regulation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A.,102(34): 12189-93. 2005 (Cover story). IF: 12.779

  14. Song X, Sui A, Garen A. Binding of mouse VL30 retrotransposon RNA to PSF protein induces genes repressed by PSF: Effects on steroidogenesis and oncogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 101(2): 621-6, 2004. IF: 12.779

  15. Song X, Wang B, Bromberg M, Hu Z, Konigsberg W, Garen A. Retroviral-mediated transmission of a mouse VL30 RNA to human melanoma cells promotes metastasis in an immunodeficient mouse model. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 99: 6269-6273. 2002. IF: 12.779

  16. Song X, Bao M, Li D, Li Y. Advanced glycation in D-galactose induced mouse aging model. Mech Ageing Dev, 108: 241-253, 1999. IF: 5.498